Roofer's Pension Fund v. Papa et al.
Perrigo Securities Litigation
1:16-cv-02805-RMB-LDW (D. N. J.)

There are multiple ways to submit a claim. Please review the options below.

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File a Claim Online

Use our secure online claim portal to submit a claim online.

Electronic Filing

Electronic Claim submission is available to institutions filing on their own behalf or on behalf of others as well as to claim preparers filing on behalf of clients, or to individuals filing a large number of transactions who have requested or have been requested to file claims electronically.

Download a Claim Form

Download and print a claim form, and mail it to the Claims Administrator.


Deadline for Submission: August 26, 2024

It is important that you completely read the Notice of (I) Proposed Settlement and Plan of Allocation; (II) Settlement Hearing; and (III) Motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Litigation Expenses (the “Notice”) that accompanies the Proof of Claim and Release Form ("Claim Form"), including the Plan of Allocation of the Net Settlement Fund set forth in the Notice.  The Notice describes the proposed Settlement, how Class Members are affected by the Settlement, and the manner in which the Net Settlement Fund will be distributed if the Settlement and Plan of Allocation are approved by the Court.  The Notice also contains the definitions of many of the defined terms (which are indicated by initial capital letters) used in the Claim Form.  By signing and submitting the Claim Form, you will be certifying that you have read and that you understand the Notice, including the terms of the releases described therein and provided for herein.

By submitting the Claim Form, you will be making a request to share in the proceeds of the Settlement described in the Notice.  If you are not a Class Member (see the definition of the Class on page 7 of the Notice), do not submit a Claim Form.  You may not, directly or indirectly, participate in the Settlement if you are not a Class Member.  Thus, if you are excluded from the Class, any Claim Form that you submit, or that may be submitted on your behalf, will not be accepted.

Submission of the Claim Form does not guarantee that you will share in the proceeds of the Settlement.  The distribution of the Net Settlement Fund will be governed by the Plan of Allocation set forth in the Notice or by such other plan of allocation as the Court approves.

On the Schedule of Transactions in Part III of the Claim Form, provide all of the requested information with respect to your holdings, purchases, acquisitions, and sales of Perrigo Company plc (“Perrigo”) common stock (including free transfers and deliveries), including shares traded on both the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) or any other trading center in the United States, or on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (“TASE”), and whether such transactions resulted in a profit or a loss.  Failure to report all transaction and holding information during the requested time period may result in the rejection of your claim.

Please note:  Only shares of Perrigo common stock (a) purchased from April 21, 2015 through May 2, 2017, inclusive, or (b) held as of the close of trading on November 12, 2015 through at least 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on November 13, 2015 are eligible under the Settlement and the proposed Plan of Allocation set forth in the Notice.  However, under the “90-day look-back period” (described in the Plan of Allocation), sales of Perrigo common stock during the period from May 3, 2017 through the close of trading on July 31, 2017 will be used for purposes of calculating certain Recognized Loss amounts under the Plan of Allocation.  Therefore, in order for the Claims Administrator to be able to balance your claim, the requested purchase information during this period must also be provided. 

You are required to submit genuine and sufficient documentation for all of your transactions in and holdings of Perrigo common stock set forth in the Schedule of Transactions in Part III. Documentation may consist of copies of brokerage confirmation slips or monthly brokerage account statements, or an authorized statement from your broker containing the transactional and holding information found in a broker confirmation slip or account statement.  The Parties and the Claims Administrator do not independently have information about your investments in Perrigo common stock. IF SUCH DOCUMENTS ARE NOT IN YOUR POSSESSION, PLEASE OBTAIN COPIES OF THE DOCUMENTS OR EQUIVALENT DOCUMENTS FROM YOUR BROKER. FAILURE TO SUPPLY THIS DOCUMENTATION MAY RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR CLAIM.  DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.

Please keep a copy of all documents that you send to the Claims Administrator.  Also, do not highlight any portion of the Claim Form or any supporting documents.

Use Part I of the Claim Form entitled “CLAIMANT INFORMATION” to identify the beneficial owner(s) of Perrigo common stock.  The complete name(s) of the beneficial owner(s) must be entered.  If you held the Perrigo common stock in your own name, you were the beneficial owner as well as the record owner.  If, however, your shares of Perrigo common stock were registered in the name of a third party, such as a nominee or brokerage firm, you were the beneficial owner of these shares, but the third party was the record owner.  The beneficial owner, not the record owner, must sign the Claim Form to be eligible to participate in the Settlement.  If there were joint beneficial owners each must sign this Claim Form and their names must appear as “Claimants” in Part I of the Claim Form.

One Claim should be submitted for each separate legal entity or separately managed account.  Separate Claim Forms should be submitted for each separate legal entity (e.g., an individual should not combine his or her IRA transactions with transactions made solely in the individual’s name).  Generally, a single Claim Form should be submitted on behalf of one legal entity including all holdings and transactions made by that entity on one Claim Form.  However, if a single person or legal entity had multiple accounts that were separately managed, separate Claims may be submitted for each such account.  The Claims Administrator reserves the right to request information on all the holdings and transactions in Perrigo common stock made on behalf of a single beneficial owner.

Agents, executors, administrators, guardians, and trustees must complete and sign the Claim Form on behalf of persons represented by them, and they must:

  1. expressly state the capacity in which they are acting;
  2. identify the name, account number, Social Security Number (or other taxpayer identification number), address, and telephone number of the beneficial owner of (or other person or entity on whose behalf they are acting with respect to) the Perrigo common stock; and
  3. furnish herewith evidence of their authority to bind to the Claim Form the person or entity on whose behalf they are acting. (Authority to complete and sign a Claim Form cannot be established by stockbrokers demonstrating only that they have discretionary authority to trade securities in another person’s accounts.)

By submitting a signed Claim Form, you will be swearing that you:

  1. own(ed) the Perrigo common stock you have listed in the Claim Form; or
  2. are expressly authorized to act on behalf of the owner thereof.

By submitting a signed Claim Form, you will be swearing to the truth of the statements contained therein and the genuineness of the documents attached thereto, subject to penalties of perjury under the laws of the United States of America.  The making of false statements, or the submission of forged or fraudulent documentation, will result in the rejection of your claim and may subject you to civil liability or criminal prosecution.

Payments to eligible Authorized Claimants will be made only if the Court approves the Settlement, after any appeals are resolved, and after the completion of all claims processing.

PLEASE NOTE:  As set forth in the Plan of Allocation, each Authorized Claimant shall receive his, her, or its pro rata share of the Net Settlement Fund.  If the prorated payment to any Authorized Claimant calculates to less than $10.00, it will not be included in the calculation, and no distribution will be made to that Authorized Claimant.

If you have questions concerning the Claim Form, or need additional copies of the Claim Form or the Notice, you may contact the Claims Administrator, JND Legal Administration, at the above address, by email at, or by toll-free phone at (833) 674-0175.

NOTICE REGARDING ELECTRONIC FILES:  Certain claimants with large numbers of transactions may request, or may be requested, to submit information regarding their transactions in electronic files.  To obtain the mandatory electronic filing requirements and file layout, please review the template above, or you may email the Claims Administrator’s electronic filing department at  Any file not in accordance with the required electronic filing format will be subject to rejection.  The complete name of the beneficial owner of the securities must be entered where called for.  No electronic files will be considered to have been submitted unless the Claims Administrator issues an email confirming receipt of your submission.  Do not assume that your file has been received until you receive that email.  If you do not receive such an email within 10 days of your submission, you should contact the electronic filing department at to inquire about your file and confirm it was received.



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Perrigo Securities Litigation
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91374
Seattle, WA 98111